F - ads are everywhere. It is up to me to incorporate them into my personal taste. The clothing or accessory need not be trendy or modern, so long as it suits my personal style. What's best about me is that I make my clothes look expensive. It is how I carry these outfits that matter the most.
A - dvertisements make me nervous at times. Whether they are for my own good or not, it always depends upon me,,, whether to adopt the trend or not. But, as I always say, I should never be left behind when it comes to fashion.
S - hopping is my hobby. I usually scout for the best buys and must haves in town. I do not settle for one shopping store or mall, I go around and pick the best. Only the best. When it comes to sale or discount, I always ask myself, do I need these? At this price? Are these items worth it?Aside from de-stressing myself, shopping makes me fulfilled.
H - ats, caps and scarf are some of my favourite accessories. They accentuate the sometimes monochromatic outfit I wear. Besides, these accessories are useful in protecting from bad weather like extreme sun exposure and wind.
I - nside beauty is still what's important. They say that you may have all the clothes but once, you do not project them the way it should be , then you will not look beautiful. I believe that outer beauty is a multi-billion dollar business and inner beauty costs nothing, but again, it is what I feel inside that reflects on what you can see on the outside.
O - h my Gosh! is what I usually exclaim whenever I see a fabulous outfit on a person. Be it on the streets or on the runway, I can never resist my temptation to say such whenever I am impressed. By the way, I am hard to impress...
N - ew and fresh. People do not like boredom and I am always aware of this. I have to dress the part and look the part. It has always been like this. I know it can be hard sometimes to dress to impress but for me it comes out naturally or most of the time effortlessly. That is why I always provide advice on fashion and style and even did make overs for my officemates.
S - ocietal pressure sometimes brings out the best in me. Since I am on camera most of the time, I have to look good and that includes sleeping on time and rejuvenating myself, everyday.The society sometimes dictates what you should dress but for my sake, I am sometimes pressured to follow the trend or rule in fashion.
T - ime is GOLD. Whenever I go to style a store or mannequin, I see to it that I come on time and finish on time. I believe that if you want to make much money, time will be your instrument.
Y- oung and vibrant should always be the terms I put into mind so that I can work for fashion forever. But then again, fashion connotes trend, but style is eternal. One outfit is fashionable today but may be an evolution of a previous style. One may never know that that style has already evolved throughout the years.
L- ove for fashion. Fashion is something I should live by, eat it or even dream about it. I can never work in the fashion industry if I do not know fashion terminologies, or do not love to shop or describe an outfit. Fashion for me is already inate.
E- ndlessly putting up with life and overcoming obstacles along the way, I know that life can be a challenge but it is always a must to stay strong, healthy, alive and vibrant.
Do you have your own acronym in life? Tell me. We may have the same...
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